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Grand Jury Scheduled

Nick's Sister

Happy New Year!

Grand jury for the murder of Nicholas Phinazee Bryan is scheduled for Tuesday, January 12. Please send your thoughts, good vibes and prayers that Henderson and Evans will be charged to the fullest extent of the law, including with the crime of murder. Grand jury is just the beginning, there is still a long hard journey ahead of us.

At the time of grand jury, Robert L. Henderson Jr. has been out on bond for 427 days for the "alleged" murder of 27-year-old Nicholas Bryan. Grand jury is 2 days before, what would have been, Nicholas's 29th Birthday.

Please, remember to stay safe and wear a mask. Covid is the main reason the courts have been postponed for so long. Do your part, be smart!

We will continue to update you. For now, what's most important is awareness. Please continue to share this tragedy and the information at hand so that justice will be brought for our Nicholas. We are his voice!

Stay healthy, kind and mindful. We are all in this together.


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